Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Blog Challenge: Motivation

For the first time in a long time I don't really care about the Superbowl. I hope the Seahawks win, because NO ONE LIKES CHEATERS! Other than that, I'm just in it for the commercials and snacks.

While my snacks and dinner are prepping in the crock pot, I have some time to blog. This month I've taken a blog challenge that a blog called Kale & Brownies put out there. It's called "Love Your Health," and I think it is so important for many reasons. Health is so much more than looking like an airbrushed model. It's about treating your whole self, and treating it well.

Also, heart diseases is one of the leading causes of death for women, and since February is also Heart Health Month, what a better time than now to focus on it!

Today's topic is motivation.

My future is my motivation. I recently found out that there is a history of heart health issues on one side of my family and that having even a slightly high level of cholesterol in your 30's can significantly impact your risk of heart disease later in life. YIKES!

So I'm motivated to improve and maintain my health for my future - because I want to be around as long as I can and in really good health while I do it! You get one life and one body - there's not a second chance, but there is always time to change. So that's why I'm constantly striving to be in better health.

I'd love to know what motivates you. Share in the comments and let's inspire each other to be great!

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