However, I love Eric Church. Love him. Love him more than I can put into words in a short novel, let alone this short blog post. And he's playing at Lollapalooza.
So on this lovely Friday afternoon, I'm asking you, all my wonderful friends and followers, to say a little prayer for me tomorrow.
First, that I don't have a total freak out among the crowd of 160,000 people.
Second, that Eric Church sings "Livin' Part of Life" - my absolute favorite song. I've been tweeting him daily for weeks about it. (At time of blog post, he's not yet responded. I'm praying that in the middle of his set he says "Who is KBeanie83 on Twitter that's been requesting this song for 6 weeks?" and pulls me up on stage. Don't kill my dreams.)
Finally, that perhaps this experience that I'm feeling very torn about (so excited to see Eric! so not excited about the rest!) turns out to be an experience that broadens my horizons, and helps me realize just because I don't think I like something, I should at least try it. Life is about experiences, and I do feel some of the most interesting people have had the most life experience.
Your thoughts are appreciated. I hope that whatever you do this weekend puts a smile on your face - even if you thought it might not have.

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