Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Check Yo'self Before You Wreck Yo'self

It's a little hard for me to sit here and write this post, mainly because I feel like a hypocrite. I'm a very extreme person - it's usually all or nothing. There are very few things I'm in between on. However, I do believe that one few places that there is a place for moderation is when it comes to eating. 

My goals for the year included living a healthier lifestyle. Not just to lose weight (though it's an added goal), but I also don't want to be a crash dieter for the rest of my life. I want to be healthy and happy for a long long time. Alzheimer's runs in my family, and I don't want it. I have a really blessed life, and I want to live it to the fullest.

In my searching for yummy, healthy recipes, I have come across some INSANE diets - and many of them conflict each other. All meat, no meat, all grains, no grains, no sugar, all sugar (okay I made that one up), and cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. I've become VERY frustrated. Then... I got sucked into the trap. 

I started thinking, "Maybe I need to cleanse. Maybe I can't start changing my eating UNTIL I cleanse. Maybe I can cleanse over a weekend, so when my body goes into detox, I can just lie in bed and suffer through." I was falling into the misinformation trap. Until a former co-worker pulled me up from the dark cleanse hole.

Real Food. It's that simple. Stop eating processed junk, and eat real, natural food. Eat fruit. Eat veggies. Eat organic meat. Eat whole grains. Eat organic dairy. Don't buy anything with more than 5 ingredients. Make things yourself instead of buying them prepackaged, filled with chemicals. It was like seeing the light again. Just use common sense. 

I want to thank Lisa for snapping me out of my vortex of dieting doom and introducing me to the concept of real food. The blog - - has tons of great info, great recipes and is a great reminder that sometimes, common sense and moderation really is all you need. 

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