Monday, September 30, 2013

Goal Reorganization

When I first started my blog earlier this year, I talked about my goals for the year and separating them by month. I lost steam mid-spring and with all my summer travels everything just went by the wayside. Now, it's time to regroup!

October: Diet Reboot. I've actually been pretty good considering all the travel and weddings I've attended. I've still managed to lose weight over the course of the year, but since the summer I've pretty much plateaued. Now's a perfect time to restart. With all the wonderful produce fall has to offer, I'm back on the veggie train!! 

November: Wedding Workouts. With less than a year to the wedding - but more importantly months to my first fitting - I've got to get my butt in gear! Also, I'm hoping that starting at this time will keep me motivated through the holidays (instead of making excuses) and get me into a routine for the worst part of the winter slump in January and February. 

December: Gift Giving. I used to be very organized, but city living makes me a sucky gift giver. I don't love online shopping, and not having a car to drive to a mall where I can aimlessly wander for the perfect gift makes shopping more difficult. I've become a chronic gift card giver and hate it! I vow to be the gift giver I once was this holiday season! 

So there you have it - goals for the rest of the year. There's no better time than today to start, so enjoy your Monday and go out and dream big! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Tuesday Blues

I have a serious case of the Tuesday blues. The fact that the Tuesday blues are something I made up is neither here nor there. 

Most people hate Mondays, but I actually like Monday. It's my fresh start for the week! Weekends were either lots of fun or very relaxing (or both) and Monday's like the first page of a new notebook. And then Tuesday is like the gross page 3/4 of the way into the notebook that got some coffee spilled on it and it's kind of crinkly. 

There's still so much week left, and things to do, but the shiny fresh start to the week has worn off. And we're still so far from the end. There's just nothing good about Tuesday....

...except Sons of Anarchy. There's nothing some Jax Teller can't make better. Maybe Tuesday isn't so bad after all...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Feeling Like Fall

It finally feels like fall. I'm so excited! Fall is my absolute favorite. If it didn't lead to winter it would be perfect. However, I just adore scarves and boots, the leaves changing, pumpkins and Halloween, baseball playoffs, football and so much more. This is the first weekend of fall, and I've got big plans! 

Sean's parents are coming in to visit this weekend, and we're taking is Dad to his very first Notre Dame game. He's been a life-long fan, and I'm so excited to be part of his first game. Having been to my first ND game last year, I can only imagine how much he'll enjoy it after following the school and team for so many years. 

I was so impressed when we went to ND. Having gone to a city school with minimal sports, stepping onto Notre Dame's campus on a perfect fall day felt like I had fallen into a college campus brochure. I couldn't believe a place like this really existed. It was so different than my own college experience and so special - the whole campus felt electric. Getting to re-live this experience with Sean's parents is going to be awesome, and a perfect way to spend my first fall weekend (especially if they win). 

I hope you all have something great planned for this weekend! Here's a picture to get you in the fall mood. Go Irish! 

Sean and Touchdown Jesus

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Perfect Ending

I was doing so well on posting frequently, but life just got so crazy for a minute there! Well, things are finally winding down and my travels are completed. I'm not sure what I'll do now - the idea of not spending time at the airport feels foreign - but I managed to rack up 63,000 airline miles, so I can visit all my friends at Southwest again real soon.

In all seriousness, it was a great summer and yesterday was the icing on the cake. Sean's sister gave birth to our beautiful godson, Thomas, and everyone is healthy and happy. It really was the perfect ending to a summer that was all about love. 

With six weddings, a few engagements and a bridal shower, we spent a lot of summer celebrating as families came together. It was truly wonderful and the perfect way to prepare me for the year leading up to my own wedding.

With just 12 months and 23 days to go until my own wedding (yes, I know how many days) I'm feeling lots of inspiration and love and joy. It was a summer of love. And really, isn't that how summer is supposed to make you feel? 

Thanks to everyone who made our summer so special. We were so happy to celebrate with you. And thanks to my soon-to-be sister-in-law for birthing the most awesome kids. We love Thomas already!